Friday, September 7, 2012

I've Got Speeeeeeeed and Velocity!

Hey internet (and Mrs. Lawrence!) it's time for a QUESTION!
What is the difference between speed and velocity?
This is madness, you might say, why are you trying to confuse we with these large scientific words, how am I, the simple physics student, supposed  to comprehend the complexities of speed?

Well, speed and velocity are madness no longer!  This nifty video below is catchy (like those annoying pop songs you never get out of your head) but helpful in explaining the differences between velocity and speed.
This video, while being extremely cheesy and catchy, helps remind me of the key differences through real world examples and easy to remember lyrics. The plane taking off, for example, has really stuck with me, especially as we study in class, helping the lessons make a bit more sense.

This one's a bit shorter than usual, but hey! You have a video to play on repeat. Go. LEARN MY FRIENDS!


  1. I absolutely love your video! It is so cute and catchy. Our videos are literally exact opposites when it comes to what they look like but obviously they have the same common message of speed and velocity. I think mine talks more about acceleration and velocity though....
    Anyways I totally love it and your quirky description was really enticing to read!

  2. Hi,
    Great Video! I like how it is catchy enough to stay in your head. Learning from a song is very refreshing. To gain a greater understanding of speed and velocity, an example coming from you will help show how speed and velocity are used in physics. Just giving formulas is sometimes harder to understand.
