Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Little Engine that Could

The Little Engine that Could

 Yep, it’s the name of a children’s book, but it’s also how Kat and I will fondly remember our mousetrap car.

 First: A few nifty things about our little engine - She came in last place with a time of 19.98 (We’re not really sure how she managed to go so slow and still make it 5 meters but you go girl!)

 And now we get down to the real reason Mrs. Lawrence had use build cars with only a mousetrap and 5 dollars. Nope, it wasn’t to torture us or teach us the meaning of “planning beforehand”. It was all about PHYSICS! Naturally anything in physics has got to begin with Newton’s 3 laws of motion. Here’s how they each apply to the car.

 Newton’s 1st Law- this is the law of inertia which states that an object at rest will remain at rest until a force acts to move it and an object in motion will stay in motion until a force acts to stop it. Our car wanted to stay moving so all we had to do to keep it that way was decrease the forces acting to stop it, such as friction. 

Newton’s 2nd Law- this is the law of acceleration which states that acceleration is equal to fnet over mass or a= fnet/m. By making our car lighter we could increase its acceleration because mass is inversely proportional to acceleration. Much the same way if we could increase the force we could also increase the acceleration.

 Newton’s 3rd Law- this is the law of action and reaction which states that for every action there as an equal but opposite reaction. By rotating our axle backwards and winding the string tighter we knew the car would rotate faster forwards (although we didn’t demonstrate this one too well).

 Oh yeah, remember that thing called friction? It came back. We faced two different instances of friction in our building of the car, the friction the wheels had with the ground and the friction the axles had with the frame of the car. We needed to make wheels that would have enough friction with the ground to move the car forward but not so much that it caused the car to slow down. We used CD’s like many of the other groups because they seemed to have a perfect balance. To enhance this friction some groups used balloons which seemed like a great idea. The other type of friction, the one the frame had with the axles determined how easily the axle could turn within the frame. Here we wanted as little friction as possible, something we learned was not too easy to do with cardboard.

 When we were choosing wheels we first thought about using three wheels, but for the sake of balance we upgraded to 4 wheels by the end of the project. We used CD’s on every axle  Having larger wheels would move the car a longer distance but would take more time to rotate, inversely, using smaller wheels would take less time to rotate but would go a smaller distance.

 When the car was at rest it had potential energy and as it traveled that potential energy was converted into kinetic energy. Because of the law of conservation of momentum we knew that work in would equal work out. But we knew our car wasn’t as efficient as it could be because the distance it traveled did not equal the force we put in. This means we converted a lot of energy into heat.

 Our lever arm was around 7 inches. We had a lot of problems figuring out how long we wanted our lever arm to be. We wanted the lever arm to be long so the power output of our car would be higher because it would travel a longer distance. However, we found that if the lever arm was too long it wouldn’t effectively pull the string. We chose 7 inches because it pulled the car without stopping the string.

 Rotational Inertia, Rotational Velocity, and Tangential Velocity were all big factors relating to the wheels, we wanted them to have a low rotational inertia so they would spin easily but a higher rotational velocity so they would spin faster.

 Work= f x d. But the catch is that those two forces have to be parallel. We cannot calculate many of the forces in the mousetrap car because they are not parallel.


Our final design differed only in the sense that we ended up using 4 wheels instead of three. We had originally planned on using two CD’s and a record yet when we attempted to build the car it wasn’t stable enough to balance on its own so we changed the wheel structure to include four wheels.

 The major problems we encountered with our little engine were caused by the lever arm. We could not get the lever arm to attach in a solid way and it kept ending and did not, therefore, have enough force to accelerate the rope and turn the axel. We used a lot of hot glue, tape, and determination to get our lever arm stable and then reinforced it with a second metal rod to keep it straight.

 The main thing I would do to make this project more successful would be plan. Kat and I worked well as a team, but neither of us took the time to plan out when we were going to get materials and come in to work. Because of this we found ourselves working all day on Sunday to complete the project. The biggest thing I learned was the value of writing out a schedule and then sticking to it.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

This is just so much WORK (Unit 6)

Is it just me or was this unit CRAZY short? Maybe it just seemed that way 'cause we were WORKing SO HARD!

This unit started out with something we get SO much of at the Asheville School. WORK. No, not homework or classwork. But this nifty other kind of work.

WORK= f x d

*work is measured in JOULES 

but you have to be careful because the force has to be parallel to the distance or NO WORK GETS DONE

so this kid for example? If he were walking down the hallway he'd be doing no work on those books because the force isn't parallel to the distance.

it also means that if you are walking up a 4 meter staircase carrying a 2N weight you're doing 8J of work. If the stairs on the staircase were to become wider your work STILL WOULDN'T CHANGE (becuase your distance remains the same).

another cool thing about work is that it will always stay the same. or WORK in = WORK out this property is known as conservation of energy. It states that energy is never lost it is only converted.

So say some guy comes to you and says, "Here's this really cool pulley, if you put 200J in you'll get 250J out!" Well you shouldn't trust him because that's just not possible. your work in must equal your work out.

 because of this property we can do something nifty like this

WORK=  f  x d or WORK = f x d

which means you can increase the force and decrease the distance of decrease the force by increasing the distance. This will pop back up when we talk about MACHINES.

Next we talked about POWER


*Power is measured in JOULES per SECOND or J/s

So remember how you were carrying a 2N weight up the staircase and were doing 8J of work? Well let's say you just did that in 2 seconds. Because POWER is equal to work divided y time your power would be 4J/s.

But wait. Isn't power that thing we buy from the power company to use our microwave?


We buy ENERGY from the power company.
*Energy is measured in JOULES (and sometimes Watts).

Two specific types of energy we studied in this unit were POTENTIAL and KINETIC energy.

POTENTIAL ENERGY- is the energy an object can have, or the energy an object has at rest.
The formula for potential energy is
PE= mgh

KINETIC ENERGY- is the energy of motion. Kinetic energy is how much energy an ojbect has as it moves.
The formula for kinetic energy is
KE= 1/2 mv^2

one super cool thing about the change in Kinetic energy is that it is equal to work!

So say you have a lead ball attached to a string and you hold it so it is right under your nose. When you let that ball go is it going to come back and give you a black eye?


When the ball is released it has 100% Potential Energy but as it moves down it's swing that potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

One of our big problems from the unit (and by big I mean this thing was EVERYWHERE) was as follows:

A 10kg car accelerated from 10m/s to 20m/s in 2 seconds. In that time it traveled 10m.

a. What was the change in Kinetic energy the car experienced?
               Well to answer this you have to plug both velocities into the formula for KE
                               1/2(10)(10)^2= 500J
b. How much work was done?
             We know work= to change in KE so
c. What was the force that caused the car to accelerate?
             work= f x d
             1500J= f x 10
d. What was the power during the acceleration?
                  power= work/time

Last, but certainly not least we talked about MACHINES

Machines are objects that make our lives a little bit easier. In this unit we talked about three different machines.

Pulleys, Inclined Planes, and car Jacks. 

all three of these make work easier by increasing the distance traveled therefore decreasing the force!

We used pulleys in our lab where we attempted to move Mrs. Lawrence's care using only a rope and  some
clips used for rock climbing. By threading the rope through the clips we created a pulley system that increased the distance therefore decreasing the force.

Inclined planes make things easier much the same way. We use inclined planes in problems like this:

Uhaul truck beds (deck height) are approximately 1 meter high. The ramp is approximately 3 meters long. You are trying to load a 30N box into the truck.

a. How much work will it take to get the box from the ground into the truck?
                     work = f x d
                      work = (1)(30)
b. How much Potential energy will the box have if it was just lifted up to the deck?
                     PE= 30J

c. How much Potential Energy will the ox have if it goes up the ramp to get into the truck?
                     PE= (30)(1)(3)
                     PE= 90J
d. What force do you use to pull the box up the ramp?
                     work= f x d
                     30J= f x 3
                         f= 10J

But machines aren't 100% efficient, meaning all the energy put in does not go directly into say loading the box. Some energy is released as heat! This doesn't violate the Law of Conservation of Energy though NO WAY! because the amount of energy you put in still equals the energy you put out!

I really enjoyed this unit, it has been my favorite unit all year. I think it's fun and fascinating to see what makes our lives possible in terms of machines and even something as simple as lifting a box!

There were some concepts I found were hard to wrap my head around, specifically how energy is never lost but can be expelled through heat. It took me a few days to fully comprehend how those two statements did not contradict one another. By looking over my notes and reading the section in the book that talked about that specific property, and even doing a few extra homework problems to make sure I understood I was able to overcome that minor bit of confusion.

I was really happy with the effort I put in this unit, I missed one blog post which I'm bummed about and my goal for next unit is to miss NO blog posts by maybe even getting some done early (NO WAY!). My problem solving skills really came through in this unit with my quick grasp of Work and Power and Kinetic and Potential energy. I think, however, this was a product of sustained effort it all area's, I worked hard with my podcast group and talked in class, I asked questions and turned in my homework. Overall  I'm feeling super confident with my quiz grades and the effort I've put into this reflection that I will be able to get an A on this Physics test!