Why, you ask, has this glorious title been bestowed upon this class after only THREE days?
One word.... HOVERCRAFT... as in that cool thing below
Well, ours was a lot less.... pink, but nonetheless, this blog is dedicated to this cool thing and what it helped me learn about the scary word from my last post, Inertia.
a. Riding a hovercraft was, in one word, bizarre. It felt a lot like ice skating without ever having to worry about balance. Without the friction of wheels or any other surface it was a smooth ride at a steady speed, almost as if you wouldn't recognize you were moving if you didn't know.
b. The hovercraft reinforced what I already knew about inertia, and taught me what net force and equilibrium felt like, giving the whole learning experience a hands-on feel, and who doesn't love hands-on science?
c. Acceleration, another one of those words that you think you know and then BAM! Physics come's in to ruin your perception of the universe, in a good way of course. Acceleration depends on mass and the force with which an object is pushed into moving.
d. Constant Velocity? Only in equilibrium.... nothing much to say there.
e. Tying this answer back into the one from letter "c", some people had a higher mass than others, meaning more force had to be used to get them to move and to stop them.
I know this was supposed to be concise, and I guess, for me, it was. But for the rest of you I made up for it by answering the questions in color!